Saturday, June 29, 2013

Rebel's Psalm

Twenty-three, I'm just trying to make it to twenty-five
I want to live a free life, I want to see fifty in these eyes
But caesars rights are intended to take my people in the night
If not by the bullet, then by miseducation using torment and fright
Placing drugs and guns in the hands of the unwise
Creating worlds by giving free highs
How to captivate art and birth a demise
I wish I could walk out of my house without being viewed as menacing 
We live under the same sun how could I be seen as threatening
We believe in the same Son why do we worship separately 
I see the fear in the men of the world's eyes
Son of God and hated for even being alive
They don't want me to live in their day light
They don't want me to walk down the streets that were made by dark colored hands
I tilled these lands, which they stole from the free man
Kings and Queens fallen from grace
Fallen from pride
Corrupted in dismay
The epitome of being blasphemed by our brothers hands
Why are we seen as savages and not free men.

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